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2015.04.16. 10:16 Idézet
Édesanyám tulajdonságai
Március 21. –április 20.
Nagyon energikus vagy, tele életerővel, dinamizmussal. De lobbanékony természeted néha a károdra válik. Értelemben és 
szellemiségben nem szenvedsz hiányt, hisz fogékony vagy minden új iránt. Sodorjon bárhová is az élet, minden esetben 
feltalálod magad. Igyekszel vezető szerephez jutni, otthonodban, szerelmi életedben, munkádban egyaránt. Ha bárhol 
megpróbálnának korlátozni, azt nem tűröd szó nélkül. Negatív tulajdonságod, hogy nagyon ingerlékeny vagy, gyakran öntelt, 
és nem kíméled a nálad gyengébbeket.

Június 22. –július 22.

Türelmes vagy, visszafogott, nyugodt. Egész életedben népszerűségnek örvendesz, pedig rendszerint nem keresed. Sokszor álmodozol, ami rengeteg idődet elveszi, szentimentalizmusod még idős korodban is olyan, mint egy gyermeké. Hangulatod gyakran változó, az egyik pillanatban jókedvű, a következőben már kedvetlen vagy. Hibád, hogy könnyen lehet téged befolyásolni, és jóindulatú naivságodat sokszor kihasználják. Negatív tulajdonságod, hogy ritkán vagy képes küzdeni a céljaidért, kevés tervedet valósítod meg életed során.


2015.04.07. 10:35 Idézet

WWE Fast Lane:

WWE Wrestlemania XXXI vagyis  a 31:


2015.04.02. 09:36 Idézet


Idei évben is sok, magát megmérettetni vágyó amatőr és Élő-pontos játékos indult a Gazdagrét Kupa 2015 kerületi sakkversenyen.

Az immáron 9. alkalommal megrendezésre kerülő rendezvény mind a mai napig a Gazdagréti Közösségi Ház egyik legrangosabb sporteseménye, melyre – átlépve a kerület határait – más fővárosi kerületekből is szép számmal érkeznek játékosok.

A sakkversenyre idén március 28-án szombaton került sor.

A versenyt rendezvényünk védnöke, Kerékgyártó Gábor önkormányzati képviselő kedves szavai nyitották meg, aki kiemelte, mennyire fontosak a helyi közösségeket összekovácsoló jó hangulatú rendezvények.

Jakobetz László Fide-mester (a Barcza Gedeon SC edzője, a rendezvényünkre felkért versenybíró) szakmai értékelése a március 28-án megrendezett Gazdagrét Kupáról:

"Rekordszámú résztvevővel (56 fő) zajlott le az idei Gazdagrét Kupa sakkverseny a Gazdagréti Közösségi Házban. Ám nem csak az indulók száma, hanem a verseny színvonala is az eddigi legmagasabb volt. A 9 fordulós, 10-10 perces partikkal zajló eseményről nagyon hiányoltuk azonban a gazdagréti nyugdíjas sakk-kör tagjait, pedig nekik ez hazai pálya lett volna ...

A felnőtt csoportban 46 villámkezű sakkozó mérkőzött meg svájci rendszerben. A 6. forduló után Palczert Miklós biztos győztesnek látszott, ám az utolsó három játszmára elfáradt, és ezt riválisai kihasználták. A fordulatos végjátékban Horváth Kálmán és Gasparics Ákos holtversenyben végzett az élen, a Buchholz-számítás a tavalyi győztes Horváthnak kedvezett. A 3-5. helyen is holtverseny alakult ki, és a bronzérmet végül a 2013-as bajnok, a legmagasabb értékszámmal rendelkező Koronghy Gyula vehette át. A legjobb hölgyversenyző Berki Zsófia lett.

A gyerekcsoport 10 résztvevője körmérkőzést játszott. Itt is úgy tűnt, hogy a 7. fordulóig vezető Géczi-Zajzon Kristófot nem lehet megállítani, ám a véghajrában a lányok meglepetést okoztak és ketten is dobogóra állhattak. Az utolsó, egymás elleni partijukban dőlt el, hogy Ónodi Emese lett a bajnok, míg Mészáros Márta a 3. helyezett.

A torna legidősebb versenyzőjeként a  88 esztendős Galambos Ferenc, míg a legfiatalabbként a 7 éves Németh Zsombor kapott különdíjat a figyelmes szervezőktől.

Jövőre ismét szeretettel várunk minden kicsit és nagyot!"

Lássuk a verseny végeredményét!


Ranking after round 9 of GAZDAGRÉT KUPA 2015

No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We


  1.   18  Horvath, Kalman             7.5  52.5  42.75  38.5  2024 2042 +0.21

          28  Gasparics, Akos             7.5  47.5  36.75  36.0  2033 2066 +0.38

  3.   14  Koronghy, Gyula             6.5  54.5  38.25  34.5  2130 1989 -1.04

            6  Palczert, Miklos Dr.        6.5  47.5  30.25  40.0  1776 1973 +1.48

         34  Makay, Andor Dr.            6.5  44.5  30.25  30.5  1717 1869 +1.46

  6.  40  Papp, Zoltan                6.0  47.5  27.00  31.0  0000 1739 +0.50

        30  Szurkos, Andras             6.0  45.0  26.50  28.0  1719 1837 +0.98

       20  Bedekovich, Daniel          6.0  44.5  27.00  31.0  0000 2021 +1.00

       27  Bartha, Laszlo              6.0  43.0  26.25  28.5  1789 1947 +1.69

 10.   11  Guber, Peter                5.5  51.5  28.00  31.0  1809 1872 +0.69

       26  Berki, Zsofia Anna          5.5  43.5  24.25  25.5  1749 1606 -0.57

       23  Kelemen, Szabolcs           5.5  43.0  24.25  30.0  1593 1971 +2.29

         9  Moder, Boldizsar            5.5  34.5  19.25  18.0  0000 1393  1393

 14.   10  Laszlo, Lajos               5.0  54.0  26.50  32.0  0000 1750 +0.50

       15  Kuthi, Balazs               5.0  50.0  24.75  30.0  1863 1767 -0.95

       32  Szucs, Gabor                5.0  45.5  23.75  27.5  1718 1660 -0.55

       16  Munkacsy, Sandor            5.0  43.5  20.25  25.0  1933 1656 -1.89

        7  Galambos, Ferenc            5.0  43.0  19.00  22.0  1922 1496  1496

        8  Kranyik, Gyula              5.0  38.0  18.75  21.5  2120 1650 -2.14

 20.    3  Palczert, Botond            4.5  46.5  22.50  26.5  1595 1726 +1.38

       19  Benyo, Tamas                4.5  42.5  16.75  25.5  2059 1634 -2.44

       35  Benyo, Zoltan               4.5  40.5  18.25  21.5  0000 1859  1859

       39  Kiss, Miklos                4.5  39.0  18.00  24.5  1554 1643 +0.25

       44  Horvath, Peter              4.5  37.5  17.00  22.0  0000 1557  1557

       33  Nemeth, Zeteny              4.5  32.0  13.25  15.5  1133 1417 +1.34

 26.   12  Domokos, Balint             4.0  42.5  17.00  22.0  0000 1562  1562

        2  Grimm, Balazs               4.0  41.5  15.50  22.0  1462 1607 +0.76

        1  Barna, Zsolt                4.0  38.5  16.25  22.5  1691  991   991

       31  Kiraly Laszlo               4.0  37.0  12.50  19.0  0000 1744 0    

       38  Pethes, Szabolcs            4.0  36.0  12.50  18.0  0000 1588 +0.50

       25  Gyulai, David               4.0  34.5  12.00  20.0  1473 1456 -0.30

       43  Zombori, Laszlo             4.0  34.5  10.00  16.5  0000 1488 +0.50

       36  Zlotov, Viktor              4.0  32.5  12.50  20.0  0000 1474 +0.50

       37  Veress, Csongor             4.0  31.0  10.50  15.0  1166  736 -0.62

 35.   22  Kozsik, Bende Barnabas      3.5  43.0  12.75  24.0  1534 1193 -1.96

       41  Baktay, Gyorgy              3.5  42.0  14.50  20.0  0000 1477  1477

       24  Bakos, Istvan               3.5  38.5  13.50  16.0  0000 1336  1336

        4  Palczert, Hajnalka          3.5  38.5  12.50  16.0  1386 1440 +0.22

       21  Hardi, Peter                3.5  34.5  10.25  14.5  0000 1184 0    

 40.   13  Charaf, Kamel               3.0  35.5   8.00  15.0  1339 1459 +0.25

       42  Antal, Imre                 3.0  33.5   9.00  14.5  0000 1205  1205

       45  Korosi, Sandor              3.0  28.0   5.50  13.5  0000 1164  1164

 43.   17  Horvath, Zoltan             2.5  34.5   7.00  11.5  1367 1103 -1.02

        5  Palczert, Matyas            2.5  32.0   5.50  10.0  1001 1074 +0.10

 45.   46  Madacsi, Jozsef             1.5  30.5   2.00   7.5  0000  585   585

 46.   29  Bernath, Gyorgy             0.5  33.5   1.25   1.5  0000  999   999



2015.03.27. 09:19 Idézet
I'd like to meet you. Deserve me. I want to develop a relationship with you, our descendants to bring up the joint.
Mobile: +36302687042
More about me:
I was born on 12/07/1986 in Tata. My hobbies are chess and mental arithmetic, reading, self-improvement (every day), the walk and sleep. Zoltan Papp civilian name. I go to chess tournaments and usually involves middle. There are prizes.
Zodiac: Cancer (Water)
Ascendant: Scorpio (Water)
Ruling planet: Moon
Birth ruling planet: Pluto
Provide you with the most comforting place the home, the family circle, where you feel magnificently. But if the conditions are not suitable for home building, the security zone around the border can draw your own. In this case, something inaccessible mystery, painful reticence about her, and people have the feet to break this spell. Önvédelmeként may develop even odd sense of humor as well, the point is, no one should be able to ask from him just like that: But seriously - Tell me, what's really wrong with you? You are able enveloped in the deepest silence. And wondering what all silent? That, at least from what you think - is damage to waste words, because I will not be helped. Best forgotten. (While you'll never forget - a very good memory.)
[Cancer zodiac second decade]
Likes challenges, not afraid of difficult tasks either. The work and everything else is very persistent. Criticisms, okvetetlenségeit the environment is difficult to bear, and you can clearly see positive improvements intention they were not afraid of you. Stubbornness unlimited if it is convinced of something, yet the facts can not convince you believe no one but himself. The extremes of love, capable of devastating, fatal love, and your expression of love mostly overdoing it too. Love is more important to you than anyone else. This will give you a mystery, mysterious, profound and unsettling experience. Passionately fighting for love, the soul, both testéért and, if obtained, will not let go. Jealous, possessive love.
[Scorpio Ascendant first decade]
 (Sun) in the house 9, (Cancer) spirit
Strong impact
Highly emotional minded, family-oriented person. They are important to you to higher studies, are interested in the faith, or issues related to policy. Often dream about long trips abroad, is no stranger to the idea of ​​you not to replace the homeland. Harmonious attitude to religious, philosophical questions, full of faith and confidence. Prone to commit themselves to an idea, I do not know enough, and this could lead to disappointment.
In the formula, the (sun) light angles of impact Angle Light Force
Environment surrounded with love and care, characterized by good intuition skills. Sextil 88%
Prone to excessive emotional binding, sometimes touchy, jealous. opposition to 80%
 (Moon) in the 11th house, the (Virgin) as part
Strong impact
Attaches great importance to the rationality and reality, emotionally rather subdued. It is important for you to have fun and social awareness. Has a wide circle of friends, but these relationships are somewhat superficial. Friends and supporters of the plan to be realized due to many. Friends and acquaintances sometimes placed in a difficult situation, which may cause you losses.
In the formula, the (moon) light angles of impact Angle Light Force
More specifically labor, easy to learn and be happy. Sextil 96%
Mindset sometimes characterized by narrow-mindedness, prone to petty effort, nit-picking. 99% opposition
 (Mercury) in the house 9, (Lion) as part
Relations dominant position would be filled. You can study in the areas of faith and morals, can be related to the profession. Intellectual skills can utilize well. Attract a longer, possibly overseas trips. Sometimes prone to pedantry, restlessness. Be careful not to be in conflict with the law.
In the formula, the (Mercury) angles of light effect Light Angle Power
High self-confidence, have good organizational skills, the leading character. Trigon 70%
In some situations, a tendency to tyranny, sometimes dissipation. quadrat 80%
 (Venus) in the 10th house, the (Virgin) as part
You tend to be critical contemplation, providing areas of aesthetic experience is often too demanding. May be a bit shy. You have a great impact on the environment. It is very important for you to his professional success, the gradual rise and popularity. Sometimes too frivolous, so be disappointed. In desperation, a tendency to turn away from the world.
In the formula, the (Venus) angles of light effect Light Angle Power
Happens to be critical of yourself, since sometimes become pessimistic. Often takes the pénztelenségtől, so sometimes petty. quadrat 83%
 (Mars) in the third house, the (Capricorn) as part
Can coordinate ambition will-power, all take responsibility for his crime. Perspective thinking, straightness, characteristic pragmatism to you. Surroundings sometimes hasty irritable and impulsive, prone to certain things. Sometimes impetuous, impatient and irritable, and therefore sometimes act thoughtlessly.
In the formula, the (Mars) angles of light effect Light Angle Power
Make every effort to achieve its goal when it encounters an obstacle, it indulatossá. opposition to 80%
 (Jupiter), the 5th house, the (Pisces) in the spirit of
Always quietly, humbly makes his job. Helpful in every situation. Usually busy lives, intense emotional life, welcome to participate in games and sports are like. Lucky in love, in art. Great sense of adventure in you, and attracted the gamble game. Be careful, Reversal of Fortune.
In the formula, the (Jupiter) angles of light effect Light Angle Power
Your heart is full of unselfishness and help. The fate of the questions are vulnerable because of higher spirituality. Trigon 70%
Often uncertain, at this time also weakened willpower. 90% opposition
 (Saturn) in the first house, the (Sagittarius) spirit
Strong impact
Help you reach your goals in optimism, strength of will. Considers it important to morals, stick to the truth in every situation. Sometimes find it difficult to endure himself and his environment. Real emotions are not always able to express. Great for self-control and persistent, it usually manages to implement the goals. Hard individuality, and occasional suspicious too. We should learn humility.
In the formula, the (Saturn) angles of light effect Light Angle Power
In general, the problems do not make a big deal, a good relationship with the public. Trigon 70%
For others, mysterious, difficult-to-learn. Sometimes I miss the tin perseverance, and not always reliable. quadrat 83%
 (Uranus) in the second house, the (Sagittarius) spirit
Are you a true pioneer personality who is sensitive to idealistic ideas and activities in Iran. Your financial situation is characterized by a constant surprise changes. Her talent, ingenuity, using assets can increase the difficulties usually feel in advance, so that they can be avoided. Due to an unexpected view of life affecting the finances to expect.
In the formula of (Uranus) angles of light effect Light Angle Power
Sometimes prone to vehemently oppose the traditions, without knowing what is the point. quadrat 80%
Great imagination and very resourceful. Open to all new reception, maybe also interested in the esoteric. Trigon 94%
 (Neptune), the second house, the (Capricorn) as part
You find it difficult to manage their own folly, trying to fight it, and sought safety. Of teamed emotional and spiritual things manifest. Finances can be a bit confusing, the changes often by chance, and not due to hard work. Good intuitional abilities, intuition can help you or even increase your property as well.
In the formula, the (Neptune) angles of light effect Light Angle Power
Are you interested in developing intellectual skills, a good sense of mystery exploration. Sextil 99%
How does it affect you in the sun?
Napjegyed Cancer
June 21-July 20th
Ruling planets: Moon
Cardinal water sign.
This ticket-born patient, kind, very loving family and home. He likes the convenience of being. It is tied to the past, a lot to ponder the important events of the past, and usually a lot of souvenir photo glean. Especially vivid imagination, speech and writing skills are excellent. His mood is always changing, but really great passions rarely or not at all capable. Too sensitive and easily influenced mostly, their life is going through a lot of disappointment.
Married at a young age, and it is possible that several marriage or cohabitation also leaves behind when it does not develop the emotional preferences. Gentle or strong, intimate relationships, and never forget once you offend. If you fall in love, then it becomes a very loyal and devoted companion, excellent father, or mother plays the role of the family.
A man born in the month of Cancer prone to gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological problems in women, and neoplastic disease.
Color: gray, lilac, light green
Luck Day: Monday
Lucky Numbers: 2, 7
Metals: Silver
Stone: emerald, pearl, rhinestone
Plants: peanut, poppy, lily, cucumber, reed
How napjegyed thee ruler ancestor element?
Napjegyed Cancer
Water stem cell
Water bills are near everything you emotionally. They can not and do not want to approach the world differently. Water is an element of the staple accessory element, represented by the inclusion of energy. Intuitive and spread of features. The tranquility and suppleness represents.
The water is wet and cold water for the cardinal, in Cancer wet predominates. Here are united in purpose, breaking water. Interestingly, this is the purpose of the fracture itself bet, fertilization is manifested. Most useful technique in motherhood, mothering or above others. Under the influence of a cardinal element of water Cancer looking into the possibility to express the emotions of others and their inclusion. Make it clear to everyone that the most important for the emotions.
How does it affect your day ticket to planet Earth?
Napjegyed Cancer
Day Cancer / Capricorn Earth
Extremely romantic or your world virtually just about emotions. We strongly hold onto the past, and only with great difficulty to let you know, especially if you are a past grievances or negative events are concerned. For you, the home and the family is the first and most important priority is given. Trust unconditionally loved ones, and they are the most important. You can either be really happy if you own a home you have, because it gives you the highest level of security.
Earth in Capricorn
The Capricorn basically practical minded ticket, and that's exactly call attention to the need to more actively participate in the community or work life. These successes, however, you can establish that you hold less important. While loved ones is the most important, is imposing on them the main burden of it as if he expected them to solve their problems, and they bring you the long-awaited success. Keep in mind that you could only own happiness blacksmith, even if it is therefore hard to fight. You can be sure that people will love you for yourself, if you can develop your own personality, your career, your family, and do not expect me to solve your problems for you. As the cancer tends to self-pity about it, by all means you should try to eliminate this condition because many bring trouble your head. We should not complain so much the actual problémáidról, because they're alone by yourself. Family members, friends only provide support, but you have to make the decisions. Accept that you're now on your own leg. You will find out how good it feels when you're in control of your own life.
The secret of karma under napjegyed
Napjegyed Cancer
Cancer is the karma of his own family. Throughout his life is dependent on the mother, with whom frequent conflicts nevertheless. He alone is able, however, to strongly influence. His childhood memories accompany him throughout his life, even the memories of years past vividly preserved in it. Nevertheless, not only the beautiful things left in it, as well as accurately remember the grievances.
Children adore the love, which is why it is difficult to let go of them, if you are already adults. This is so because the same was the case with his mother and in between.
How does karma Chiron planet?
Napjegyed Cancer
Chiron in Gemini
Karmic job
Develop yourself endurance.
Karmic inheritance
Your mother restless strength, curiosity left you. I do not necessarily feel that all calls, or given what you need, but so has helped him to become independent early. Thank you dad, that I will not have to compromise. Communication skills are also left you, but it also took over from him that the connection is usually superficial. You are not able to inquire more thoroughly for others.
What an inheritance you leave your children
Let your children the need to exchange ideas, discuss the more. Are likely to be somewhat distant, also will be a problem for them to develop a deep, intimate relationships. The problems will be resolved through communication.
Where was the planet of luck, when you were born?
Napjegyed Cancer
Jupiter in Pisces
Above-average compassion. Environment sometimes amazed on how much the heart. The main point in his life to help those in trouble. From this one can not have faith the discouraging when you see it, that alone is unable to remedy the problem. Besides, it does not have to do anything alone, ideal for team members. This feature not only in sports but in other communities to bear interest. Compassionate big impact on the environment's ability, enthusiasm easily convince others. Nature and music lover. The love is not set. The bend? Triangle? situations.
Where was the Black Moon, when were you born?
Napjegyed Cancer
Black Moon in the sign of Gemini
The perseverance, loyalty to the old-fashioned things? constantly looking for adventures. Password: until there is a horse, a donkey will be good too. This means: stick with it until you find a better one, then I'm more ?. And certainly, continuing further. To poke his nose in everything, indiscreet, intrigue irresponsible, unreliable, workplace workplace wander. Lottery money, spends wild speculation, and just live for today. Thanks Twins stickiness more personality, more facial features, and the environment will never know that you just have to do either one.
Characterization of ancestors:
Maternal grandmother characterization:
Combined Western and Chinese horoscope
Rather tormented personality or who boils out completely only after several years. I'm not really willing to make concessions, or even straight touchy. Or strict and demanding, so terribly effective, but complex, stubborn, and even egotistical tyrant as well. In addition, sometimes very bad sense of humor and often fakadsz out. It's no wonder that those who do not know me pretty cold and strained the relationship.
Or a person who is passionate, yet full of contradictions. Powerful instincts come into the world, or the rest of your life in order to overcome them. In fact, all fascinated by things related to sexuality and death, the joys and pains. Must constantly guard against self-destructive hajlamaidtól well.
Passionate about life, whenever possible, absolutely despise yourself. But the misfortune your joy is always overshadowed by gloomy thoughts, concerns and the recurring idea that all good things must come to an end.
Incredible capacity for work, so there are no problems in the field of career, always make will all be okay.
Since hair put things to the extreme, it is very difficult to develop a balanced love life. Sex plays a crucial role in your daily. In fact, the relationships are strong, well if you can dominate instinct identical.
 Maternal grandfather characterization:
Combined Western and Chinese horoscope
The most chivalrous, or polite words could describe you. Absolutely humanitarian and idealist, many generous initiative idea. Enthusiastic or you believe in progress, in the future, the boundaries of the termination, the universal brotherhood. Many naive utópistának kept, but even they recognize good heart. Help you give the weak, the oppressed, the orphans and the widows.
Do you express your imagination, but many people have the impression that just talking to the air. However, warm, friendly nature is arousing sympathy for everyone. Find it very attractive, but also disturbing as well. Friendship, unexpected encounters play a big role in shaping your destiny.
Specifically interested in the world, the human sciences, all forms of communication. In these areas, you reach the best results. But still you have trouble perform routine tasks or to keep strict discipline. Most trips you can best utilize your skills connected. A social or spiritual movement can become a leader.
In love deep passion to live, but always elusive and confusing or. You can only find happiness if your relationship or marriage is as much based on the friendship than love.
 Paternal grandmother characterization:
Combined Western and Chinese horoscope
The first seemingly contradictory properties are harmonious balance within you, so you becoming a great personality. Efficiency and expertise complement very very sensitive, aesthetic and sophisticated nature of your.
Were constantly törekedsz to do good service to others, but not lose sight of their own best interests. Rendszereteted due courtesy and sometimes a bit too snobby or tűnhetsz maniac. However, the fact that neither your behavior or your appearance does not gyanúsíthat no negligence.
In general, the tehetségedből profitálsz in professional life and property, not to mention ravaszságodról, könnyedségedről érzékedről and good practice. But you do not have enough ambition, sometimes satisfied, mediocre jobs, situations, though only if the circumstances are appealing. Meggyőzőkészséged extremely good. Good results with the trade, or spokesman, writer.
Or very emotional and can easily captivate you love. Rather shy or full statement of emotions, and you do not give yourself off completely. The fears and hesitation sometimes make it unstable love life. I'd rather prefer a peaceful, uneventful relationship than the passions orgy. However, you take care your loved wonderfully.
His paternal grandfather characterization:
Combined Western and Chinese horoscope
It is very unstable and volatile or. You have to be constantly on the move, both physically and mentally. Just live in the present, in the moment, quickly forget about your experiences and experiences, and very quickly get rid emlékeidtől. A rapidly changing ideas, as often as you change shirts, and therefore hard to understand your fellow man, and even joy is soul that confuse the people around you.
Hindering the largest fortress in life agility and frivolity. There are many ideas, but no bases, you want to deal with too many things at the same time. Due Kotnyeleskedő style, and because life is going to play a diverse talent fritter away, and only superficially use, which is a shame, because if you give way to die, would you be able to do great things. If you are not careful enough, against cleverness may divert your life and in the wrong direction, as vain or smart enough, if at the same time characterized by superficiality and negligence.
I can not stand those people who take themselves too seriously. It offers a high degree of egoism, always need public. Very good communication good knack help audiences find.
Heart Matters try to charm everyone. Countless times lobbansz fire, but just as suddenly you step out of the relationship as well. If you live in a stable relationship, parallel little adventure may complicate the partnerships. But actually the intellectual exchanges and the reasoning buddy important to you than love.
 My mother's characteristics:
Combined Western and Chinese horoscope
Or dynamic, and sometimes overzealous, emllett strongly attracted to mysticism and utopia. You need to be wishful thinking, or somewhere else, perhaps there is something that is not of this world. Basically or hedonistic, love of life and the pleasures associated with it, but are able to give up everything, if circumstances warrant.
It is much more emotional and passionate you are, what you want it to look like. Can you be too spry and caring at the same time, or very attractive, a good sense of humor, many people are reluctant to look for your company.
Benevolent and compassionate heart. Everyone can expect from you in a good word for food or financial assistance. Therefore, it takes a lot of people crazy, but everyone recognizes your kindness. Or courteous and dutiful, but spiced with some slack, you know better than anyone how szerettesd yourself.
You say that you do not realitásérzéked and no common sense. This compensated for the good instincts and is often out of luck. Are looking for easy money, but it is easy to spend, regardless of the consequences.
Strong passion in the heart Affairs is often combined with illusions, so often you get confused and suspicious situations. After you tend to crave things that can not get a hold of, or idealized things elrugaszkodsz reality. Sometimes, cheating, or you can be a victim of fraud.
 My father characterization:
Combined Western and Chinese horoscope
You are a generous, sympathetic, emotional type of person who knows how szerettesse yourself with people. But these good qualities are not born to you - you yourself have shaped one simply had since childhood. Actually, when you were a lot of little painful event over, but instead of being sad, apathetic and have become neurotic you, strengthened you more understanding towards others, you develop the defense, protest instinct, you do not want others to get such a hard fate divisions.
A little or a tendency to turn to yourself and live your own inner world. Often seem melancholy and shy because of bad experiences.
Random and unexpected opportunities to help the material prosperity. But despite this long you live mediocre lives, unless unexpected inheritances not improve your financial situation. It is difficult to wear the discipline and you can not stand the monotonous work. Sports, activities suited to travel to you.
Despite troubled childhood affectionate, attentive parent, and a good educator. The fantasy is never missing otthonodból. Easy going into the relationships, which may affect your love life. Just find a large family of true happiness.

2015.03.23. 09:52 Idézet

Heroes weboldal:

2015.03.17. 10:15 Idézet

Sárkányfej a Kosban. Rólam:

1. karma – Sárkányfej a Kosban

Karmikus szerelmi programod első és egyben legfontosabb pontja: hallgass a legmélyebb, belső vágyaidra. Előző életedben kétségkívül egy hagyományos párkapcsolatban élted mindennapjaidat, egy valami hiányzott számodra: a függetlenség. Eddig maximálisan alkalmazkodtál a társadalmi elvárásokhoz, és hagytad, hogy mások hozzanak meg helyetted fontos döntéseket. Még az is megeshetett, hogy a szüleid választották ki azt a párt, akit számodra ideálisnak véltek. Ezután a párod tartotta kezében a gyeplőt, te pedig sohasem kérdőjelezted meg döntéseit, teljesen rá hagytad magad. Így kerülted el a konfliktusokat. Úgy viselkedtél, mint egy engedelmeskedő gyermek.

Az tehát, hogy mások döntöttek helyetted, tisztán látszik. És ha hagyjuk, hogy ez mindig így legyen, semmit nem fejlődhetünk. Jelenleg tehát a karmikus programod az, hogy igazi felnőtté válj végre, aki meghozza saját döntéseit, és ha kell, akkor kockázatokat vállal. Ahhoz, hogy rátalálj a boldogságra, tudnod kell, mit is szeretnél valójában. Ismerd meg saját magad, saját vágyaidat – csak így találhatod meg a megfelelő partnert. Nagyon boldog lehetsz egy Kossal, Oroszlánnal, Nyilassal vagy Vízöntővel. 

Vonzerődet nagyon egyszerűen megerősítheted: nem kell vakon követned a divatot, és kerüld az öltözködésbeli túlzásokat. Inkább alakíts ki egy saját stílust, legyél természetes. Így fog igazán érvényesülni a személyes kisugárzásod, és vonzerőd megsokszorozódik.


2015.03.13. 10:14 Idézet

2015.03.06. 09:52 Idézet

2015.03.06. 09:48 Idézet

2015.02.03. 11:17 Idézet

2015.02.03. 11:16 Idézet

2014.11.25. 15:02 Idézet

2014.11.15. 11:26 Idézet




Egy 7-es személyiség zárkózott, a túl sok érzelem megrémíti. Pesszimizmusra hajlamos, mély lelki életet élő ember, de érzelmeit képtelen kimutatni. Rendkívül kötelességtudó és megbízható. Egy intellektuális társ a legfontosabb számára, akivel szívesen beszéli meg az élet nagy dolgairól alkotott véleményét, vagy osztja meg egy olvasott élményét. A kedvesétől érkező kritika tudati szinten eljut hozzá, de érzelmi szinten nem. Pedig nagyon fontos lenne számára, hogy merjen megélni dolgokat és merje kimutatni az érzéseit. Párkapcsolatának és szexuális életének minősége attól függ, mennyire képes megnyílni a társa felé


2014.11.10. 09:25 Idézet

2014.11.04. 12:29 Idézet

Szombaton győztem 2,5-0,5-re a sakkos ismerősöm ellen, így csökkentettem a hátrányomat, ami így is elég nagy még. Összesített állás a szempontomból: 4,5-10,5.

2014.10.29. 11:27 Idézet

Rólam vagyis egy jellemzésem:
Ha a missziószámod 7-es: (vagyis a születési dátumod számjegyeinek összege egy számjegyre egyszerűsítve 7-est eredményez):
A legfontosabb, hogy ne törődj a külsőségekkel! Neked a dolgok mögé kell látnod. Nagyon izgalmas felfedezni, hogy mi mozgatja az embereket, illetve mi irányítja őket a háttérből. Ez lefedi a teljes pszichológiát és ezotériát. További életfeladatod, hogy orvosa, gyógyítója és vigasztalója legyél mindazoknak, akik hozzád fordulnak. Jó lenne, ha olyan szakmát választanál, ahol ezt minél több embert érintve végezheted: orvosi pálya, lélekgyógyászat, papi hivatás vagy tanítói munka. Ezek együtt járnak a titoktartás kötelezettségével. Missziód, hogy a titkok tudójává és őrzőjévé váljál. A diszkréció alapvető erény, már csak azért is, mert idegenek is hamar megnyílnak neked.

2014.10.14. 09:43 Idézet

2014.10.03. 14:16 Idézet

2014.09.27. 11:49 Idézet

2014.08.25. 16:04 Idézet

[170-151] [150-131] [130-111] [110-91] [90-71] [70-51] [50-31] [30-11] [10-1]

Friss bejegyzések
2022.12.03. 14:19
2022.12.03. 14:17
2022.12.03. 14:14
2022.12.03. 14:12
2022.10.22. 13:45
Friss hozzászólások
Indulás: 2007-08-09

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